Friday, May 18, 2012

A Mother Is Someone Who . . .

-teaches you about Jesus.  Olivia
-knows you.  Emily
-is pretty.  Evan
-keeps you safe. Cody
-teaches you about respect.  Sofia
-loves and cares for you and helps you with your homework.  Ruth
-helps you not be lonely. Luke
-is always on your side. Lily
-gives you healthy food.  Kaili
-never leaves her children.  Roi
-you can trust.  Madi
-is always filled with happiness.  Isabella
-cares for you.  Anna Lee
-is faithful.  Clara
-buys you clothes when they're too small.  Chappel
-smiles.  Hannah
-makes sure you are treating people fair.  Kate
-helps you to read.  Lilia
-will always be there for you.  Samantha

Friday, March 9, 2012

Our God is Amazing!

In our Bible time we've been learning about some amazing things that God has done and is doing.   The second graders were asked, "What do you think is amazing about our God?"  Here are their responses.

He loved us even though we were sinners. - Ruth

He can walk on water. - Cody

He created the earth. - Samantha

He uses power from His heaven.  - Isabella

He died on the cross for our sins and didn't earn it. - Luke

He does miracles. - Hannah

He opened the gates to heaven. - Evan

Jesus defeated the devil! - Lily

He loves you no matter what. - Kaili

God is perfect. - Roi

He helps us when we are struggling. - Lilia

He always gives you the right answer. - Clara

God can do anything. - Olivia

When you sin He will always take you to heaven. - Kate

He is powerful. - Emily

God is everywhere at once. - Chappel

God never gives up on people. - Madison 

He knows everything and everyone. - Anna Lee

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Second Grade Similes

It was as smooth as a baby chick. - Samantha

It felt sticky like a case of glue. - Kate

He was as quiet as a whisper. - Lilia

She was loud like a bell in your ear. - Sofia

He was as quiet as a tiptoe. - Hannah

She was loud like a gust of wind. - Kaili

She was loud like a giant who didn't get his coffee. - Evan

The picture was colorful like an exploding rainbow. - Ruth

He was as quiet as air being still. - Lily

She was loud like a trumpet. - Clara

It was as shiny as a spoon. - Cody

The dog was as gentle as the snow. - Olivia

He was as quiet as a touch of a feather. - Luke

It was as shiny as a new car coming out of a car wash. - Anna Lee

It was as soft as rain sprinkles on an umbrella. - Isabella

The dog was as gentle as a friend. - Roi

It was as shiny as a French manicure. - Madison

He was as quiet as a rabbit. - Emily

The picture was colorful like a few buckets of paint splashed everywhere. - Chappel

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

"Mr. Douglass, May I Ask You a Question Please?"

     We recently did some research and wrote reports about Frederick Douglass.  Here are some questions the second graders would ask if given the opportunity to interview him:

-Why did you love learning?  (Evan)

-How did you feel when you were a slave?  (Kate)

-What job did you have to do when you were little?  (Ruth)

-What did you feel like when you were escaping?  (Madison)

-How old were your kids when you died?  (Sofia)

-Was it hard helping women get the right to vote?  (Lilia)

-Why did you run away?  (Hannah)

-Did you like the president?  (Clara)

-What kind of work did you have to do?  (Kaili)

-When you were little, what did you do to have fun?  (Samantha)

-Did you ever see the North Star? (Luke)

-Did you know anybody in England?  (Anna Lee)

-Did you ever meet a president or Harriet Tubman?  (Olivia)

-Were you scared when you gave speeches about your life?  (Chappel)

-Was it hard to write about your life?  (Emily)

-How much money did you cost?  (Lily)

-Did you really like helping others?  (Isabella)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Gifts For Jesus!

If you could visit the stable on the night of Jesus' birth, what would you give Him?

I would give Jesus a gold crown and gold because He died for my sins.  I would give Jesus a king's robe because He is my Savior.  I would give Jesus water and food for when He is going far away.  -Roi

If I were to go to the manger . . . I would be excited!  I would bring baby Jesus lots of gifts -- so many that I couldn't tell you.  But I could tell you 3 of them.  Number 1:  Food, because they might have not had a lot of money to buy food.  Number 2:  A horse, because it was a long way to Bethlehem on the donkey.  (Who knows?  They might have walked.)  Number 3:  A cow, because they might have not had enough water or milk for Jesus.  -Anna Lee

If I could bring something to Jesus, I would bring some cloth because He would sleep on it, or he could use it as a blanket. -Lilia

If I could go to the manger of Jesus, I would bring a baby cup, 15 ounces of gold, 900 ounces of silver, a blanket, and food.  I'd give baby Jesus the baby cup for him to drink out of.  I'd give Jesus 15 ounces of gold because they could have money.  I'd give Mary and Joseph 900 ounces of silver so they could remember me.  I'd give baby Jesus a blanket so He could keep warm.  -Evan

I would give Jesus gold because He is so special.  I would give Him a blanket because He can be warm. -Hannah

I would give baby Jesus a lot of pairs of clothes because He is poor.  I would give baby Jesus a rattle because He can play with it.  -Samantha

I will bring baby Jesus a pacifier, Pampers, and my heart.  I am sinful, and He will die on the cross for me and you to be cleaned in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. - Merry Christmas!  Ho! Ho! Ho! -Sofia

I would bring baby Jesus my best rocks from my rock collection that I love to show Jesus I love Him very much. -Ruth

If I could have been there that night I would bring Him some clothes to wear so He does not get cold, a baby bib so when He ate He would be clean, a pacifier for when He cries, and a baby bottle to drink.  I would also say, "Merry Christmas!!!"  -Olivia

I would bring Him a golden duck, because babies usually like ducks.  -Cody

I would bring a baby rattle to baby Jesus because He would play with it.  I would love to see Jesus with a smile on His face.  I'll bet He'll love the baby rattle.  -Emily

Baby Jesus would need a bib because if He is eating He might spill something.  -Kaili

I would bring baby Jesus some cloth and some food and drink and a blanket.  I would give that to Him because His family did not have very much of those things.  That's why.  Merry Christmas! -Isabella

I would bring a heart with a white paper glued to it that I cut out and lots of different colors on it because He does not want something that we just bought from the store.  He wants something that we made with our heart to show how much we love Him, to show that He will die on the cross for us and forgive our sins and always take care of us.  He will love us with His whole heart and I will love Him with my whole heart. -Clara

I would give baby Jesus a baby bottle so He could drink, and a high chair because He is short so He needs a high chair to eat, and 1-year-old size footy pajamas.  -Luke

I would give Jesus love because He died on the cross and forgave our sins. -Chappel

What would you give baby Jesus if you could visit Him when He was an infant?  I would give Him a beautiful blanket, nice clothes, snow gear, a pretty crib, the most pretty crown, a pair of slippers, some pajamas, a lot of gold, and a nice house because He would need one to keep all His stuff in.  I would give Him a blanket so He doesn't get cold at night.  I named a lot of things.  I realized I named so many gifts. It must be because he is the most powerful God there ever was.  I hope you would give Him something nice.

If I was at the stable when baby Jesus was born, I would give Him a baby bottle, a rocking horse, a crib, and a blanket because He could get cold in the night.  He could have a real bed.  He could have a toy.  He could have a drink. - Kate

If I were there, I would give Him my fool's gold, my fake diamond, and my money from other countries.  i would give Jesus my softest blankie. -Lily

Friday, November 11, 2011

Second Grade Says, "Thank You!"

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to say “thank you” to God and to others, too.  Here are the second graders’ “thank yous”.

Samantha – Thank You, God, for my dogs Maisy and Roscoe.  Thank you, Maisy and Roscoe, for playing with me when my friends are not able to play.
Lily – Thank You, God, for sending Your only Son, Jesus Christ, to die for my sins!!  Thank you, Aunt, for sewing Sparkles dog clothes.
Chappel – Thank You, God, for winter, food, cake, balls, homes, taffy, Disney Land, cousins, and friends.  Thank you, Emily, for coming to my house for a sleepover.
Clara – Thank You, God, for giving me blessings and thank You for giving Your  Son, Jesus, to die on the cross.  Thank you, Mommy, for giving me X and O.
Anna Lee – Thank You, God, for Jesus Christ and Christmas.  Thank you, Mom and Dad, for toys and money.
Olivia – Thank You, God, for my family, my dogs, my cat, and my fish.  Thank You for everything You’ve given me.  Thank you, Kate, for being nice to me.
Sofia – Thank You, God, for giving me a mom, and a dad, and a brother, and a dog.  Thank you, Mom, for having me to be your daughter and my brother too.
Isabella – Thank You, God, for letting me make my own s’more.  Thank you, Clara, for giving me that charm bracelet last year.
Roi – Thank You, God, for giving me life.  Thank you, Mom and Dad, for helping me get better.
Kate – Thank You, God, for my family.  Thank you, Mom, for making decorations.
Luke – Thank You, God, for Evan.  Thank you, Evan, for being my friend.
Hannah – Thank You, God, for helping us with sin.  Thank you, Mom, for giving me a dog.
Evan – Thank You, God, for sending Your Son to die for us!  Thank you, everyone, for everything you’ve done.
Cody – Thank You, God, for giving us shelter, and food, and water.  Thank you, Luke for entertaining me at recess always.
Kaili – Thank You, God, for my friends.  Thank you, Sierra, for always inviting me over.
Emily – Thank You, God, for friends.  Thank you, Olivia, for being a good friend.
Ruth – Thank You, God, for loving us so much that you sent Your Son to die for us.  Thank you, Kaili, for being my best friend forever.
Lilia – Thank You, God, for family.  Thank you, Mom, for loving us.
Madi – Thank You, God, for giving me everlasting life in heaven.  Thank you, Mom, for giving me a lot of American Girls.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Lord is With Us!

Here is a litany our class wrote after studying the story of Ruth and Naomi and learning that the Lord is with us in both happy and sad times.

Isabella:  When my dad got a new job . . .
All:          The Lord was with me.

Lilia:  When I had a cold . . .
All:     The Lord was with me.

Samantha:  When my grandmother died . . .
All:             The Lord was with me.

Olivia:  When my Nana came back to my house . . .
All:       The Lord was with me.

Ruth:  When I heard that my friend might move to Hawaii . . .
All:     The Lord was with me.

Hannah:  When my dad was getting better . . .
All:          The Lord was with me.

Anna Lee:  When I won a race . . .
All:             The Lord was with me.

Emily:   When my kitten died . . .
All:        The Lord was with me.

Lily:  When my grandma was sick . . .
All:    The Lord was with me.

Kate:  When I got a new cat . . .
All:      The Lord was with me.

Roi:  When I fell down on my elbow . . .
All:    The Lord was with me.

Luke:  When I got to do heart surgery . . .
All:     The Lord was with me.

Chappel:  When my gramma had her tumor . . .
All:           The Lord was with me.

Cody:  When we played soccer together . . .
All:       The Lord was with me.

Madi:  When I had my birthday . . .
All:      The Lord was with me.

Clara:  When I made a new friend . . .
All:      The Lord was with me.

Sofia:  When I played soccer . . .
All:      The Lord was with me.

Evan:   When I left my grandparents . . .
All:       The Lord was with me.

Kaili:  When I am at school . . .
All:     The Lord is with me.

All:  In both good times and sad times . . .
All:  The Lord is with me!