Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Lord is With Us!

Here is a litany our class wrote after studying the story of Ruth and Naomi and learning that the Lord is with us in both happy and sad times.

Isabella:  When my dad got a new job . . .
All:          The Lord was with me.

Lilia:  When I had a cold . . .
All:     The Lord was with me.

Samantha:  When my grandmother died . . .
All:             The Lord was with me.

Olivia:  When my Nana came back to my house . . .
All:       The Lord was with me.

Ruth:  When I heard that my friend might move to Hawaii . . .
All:     The Lord was with me.

Hannah:  When my dad was getting better . . .
All:          The Lord was with me.

Anna Lee:  When I won a race . . .
All:             The Lord was with me.

Emily:   When my kitten died . . .
All:        The Lord was with me.

Lily:  When my grandma was sick . . .
All:    The Lord was with me.

Kate:  When I got a new cat . . .
All:      The Lord was with me.

Roi:  When I fell down on my elbow . . .
All:    The Lord was with me.

Luke:  When I got to do heart surgery . . .
All:     The Lord was with me.

Chappel:  When my gramma had her tumor . . .
All:           The Lord was with me.

Cody:  When we played soccer together . . .
All:       The Lord was with me.

Madi:  When I had my birthday . . .
All:      The Lord was with me.

Clara:  When I made a new friend . . .
All:      The Lord was with me.

Sofia:  When I played soccer . . .
All:      The Lord was with me.

Evan:   When I left my grandparents . . .
All:       The Lord was with me.

Kaili:  When I am at school . . .
All:     The Lord is with me.

All:  In both good times and sad times . . .
All:  The Lord is with me!

Friday, October 7, 2011

What About Frogs?

     The second graders wrote a report together about frogs this week.  We made a list of questions we had about frogs and then read several books and did a computer search to find the answers to our questions.  Here is the report containing the new information we learned. 

What About Frogs?
by 2nd Grade

Frogs have interesting adaptations that help them live.  They can live up to ten years.  When they are tadpoles, they only eat algae and other plants.  They are vegetarians.  When they are adult frogs, they are no longer vegetarians.  They eat insects, worms, and dead animals.   Some frogs eat bugs that come to them while others leap to catch their food. Frogs also might eat their skin when they shed it.  Frogs use their hind legs to jump.  Some frogs can jump ten to twenty times their body length.  A frog’s sticky tongue is folded up inside its mouth.  Its tongue is one-third the length of its body and helps it catch its prey.  Frogs don’t drink water like we do.  They absorb water through their skin.  Some frogs that have bright-colored, slimy skin are poisonous.  Frogs are very interesting to read and learn about.