Friday, March 9, 2012

Our God is Amazing!

In our Bible time we've been learning about some amazing things that God has done and is doing.   The second graders were asked, "What do you think is amazing about our God?"  Here are their responses.

He loved us even though we were sinners. - Ruth

He can walk on water. - Cody

He created the earth. - Samantha

He uses power from His heaven.  - Isabella

He died on the cross for our sins and didn't earn it. - Luke

He does miracles. - Hannah

He opened the gates to heaven. - Evan

Jesus defeated the devil! - Lily

He loves you no matter what. - Kaili

God is perfect. - Roi

He helps us when we are struggling. - Lilia

He always gives you the right answer. - Clara

God can do anything. - Olivia

When you sin He will always take you to heaven. - Kate

He is powerful. - Emily

God is everywhere at once. - Chappel

God never gives up on people. - Madison 

He knows everything and everyone. - Anna Lee