Going through the steps of the writing process (prewriting, first draft, revising, editing, and publishing), we wrote this personal narrative together as a class.
Our First Day of School
by 2nd grade
On our first day of school we colored our paper t-shirts and cut them out. We felt great when we saw our old friends and met our teacher and new friends too! Next, we learned our new classroom rules. After that we had fun playing jump rope and soccer on the playground and field. It was new for us to play on the field. We were happy to play with our friends again! After recess Mrs. Stamp read The Bee Tree and we learned that reading a book isn't boring. Then we got homework which was reading for twenty minutes and studying math fact cards for five minutes. Last of all, we went to chapel. We got to sing songs and learn about Jesus and truth. At the end of our first day of second grade we no longer felt nervous. We felt happy and tired instead.
I saw the colored shirts on the bulletin board and they were adorable. Sound like you all are off to a great start this year.